Need help downloading your video?

On Chrome:

Open the link in your browser (do NOT sign up for Dropbox or download the app unless you already use it/pay for storage). When you open the link, select "Or continue to website" and then download the videos from there. If you're downloading from Chrome, there will be a little arrow in the bottom left corner to download your videos. Once it’s downloaded follow the prompts to save it.

Remember, these are large video files so be sure to have good service/wifi when downloading and give them time to download. A step-by-step screenshot walkthrough is included below! Instructions for downloading from Safari are also included below.

In Safari:

Follow all the same steps as above. However, the downloads location is different. Select the little blue arrow to find your Safari downloads. Click the downloads option. Then select the video name. After that, follow the same prompts to save the video from your downloads folder to your device.